Ran Rachlin: Empowering Businesses With Finest Testing Solutions For Digital Products
The COVID-19 poses challenges as well as opportunities for many businesses today. The CEO and Co-Founder of Ubertesters, Ran Rachlin believes that there are many opportunities in their industry. He has observed that the pandemic has forced many businesses to ‘go digital’ and improve their digital operations and services. This has resulted in his company offering a B2B solution for testing services to digital products……

Best Practices for Using Influencers for Your Brand By Nicole Rodrigues, founder and CEO, NRPR Group
According to Mediakix data, the influencer marketing industry is on track to be worth up to $15 billion by 2022, which is up from $8 billion in 2019. This growth is fueled by consumer trust in influencers. Mobile Marketer reported that nearly 45% of social media users follow an influencer, and 34 pe…
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We know that the pandemic has brought new problems for businesses and increased uncertainty. However, the industry’s challenges and the needs of customers encouraged many business leaders to be more proactive and be faster in their response and adaptation capability. One such exceptional business le…
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Today’s business leaders face competing challenges and uncharted waters as they continue to navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. One such exceptional business leader is Marco Oleotto, the CEO of Clean Swift . He stays focused on protecting financial performance dur…
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The role of entrepreneurs is to inspire and energize individuals to work towards their future objectives. They are able to work in the present moment while also looking forward to where the organization is heading. These leaders’ vision is to transform their industry and break down the barrier that …
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Branding is generally means a marketing practice in which a company creates a name, symbol or design that is easily identifiable as belonging to the company. This helps to identify a product and distinguish it from other products and services. Branding is important because not only is it what makes …
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Keywords: digital transformation, tech companies, enterprise
Digital Transformation has fueled the growth of tech companies over the years. It has forced the enterprises to change their business models and adopt to the new market reality. However, this change is not being driven by the companies, i…
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