Nermine Khouzam Rubin: An Innovative leader behind Advanced Solar, Water and Agricultural Solutions

Women have always been at the steering wheel of social transition. From spearheading international movements for climate change to pioneering software algorithms, women leaders play a significant role in driving social transformation. Having a passion for saving the world, Nermine Khouzam Rubin, Founder and CEO of Water 4 Mercy, is aiming to end thirst, hunger, and poverty around the world.

She states, “My goal is to empower all of Africa and beyond, every area that is subjected to drought-induced poverty.  Working together, we can break the cycle of poverty and implement sustainable systems that will produce instant and long-term success. That is Water 4 Mercy.”

Educational background

Nermine has an interesting background along with having a diverse educational and professional journey. She graduated with Honours with a Major/Minor degree in Psychology/Chemistry and earned a Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Health Science (MHS) from the University of Florida. She’s held executive positions in the healthcare field with roles that involved marketing and sales activity, management and facilities planning, and developing strategic plans. She devoted her time to being a full-time wife and mother before founding Water 4 Mercy in 2018.

Being emigrated to the US and witnessing a bombing at the age of 6 1/2, Nermine grew a spark to tunnel through all the obstacles in her soul and mind. From a very young age, she had a solid determination to become the best in every vertical of her life, and to help others who are in need to become self-sufficient.

Revolutionary Roadmap of the company

After observing first-hand in 2017 persons in remote Africa dying of thirst and hunger, having lost all hope, Nermine researched extensively and prayed for an optimal solution to address the root of their problem.  In 2018 she founded Water 4 Mercy and contracted with the world’s leading experts in solar, water, and agriculture to provide a permanent solution. Nermine resolved that THE ANSWER to permanently breaking the vicious cycles of poverty, is clean water and innovative agricultural solutions. In 2019 Nermine initiated AITeC, the Agricultural Innovation and Technology Centres to teach innovative solutions for knowledge development, nutrition sensitivity, climate resilience, income generation, teacher training, and youth empowerment. The hands-on curriculum enables students, alongside local farmers and extension workers/agents to learn best practices in horticulture and animal husbandry from skilled Israeli agronomists. This ultimately improves the undernourished communities’ health while providing economic independence with sustainable farming solutions.

Water 4 Mercy provides comprehensive solutions to address the root causes of poverty, hunger, and water scarcity in remote African villages. Their services include the installation of sustainable water systems, such as remotely monitored solar-powered wells, and the implementation of innovative agricultural technologies to improve food security and increase income generation. Additionally, they offer modernized educational solutions, including the Agricultural Innovation and Technology Center (AITeC), to teach best practices in horticulture and animal husbandry to share knowledge with students, local farmers and extension workers. These services empower communities to break the vicious cycle of poverty and improve their overall health and well-being.

Water 4 Mercy is uniquely positioned to meet this demand by providing long-term solutions for clean water, agriculture, and education in remote African villages. It is also anticipating a growing trend towards social impact investing, which presents opportunities for Water 4 Mercy to partner with impact investors to scale their impact and reach more communities in need. They are constantly seeking new opportunities and partnerships to expand their reach and increase their impact.

Leadership behind Innovation

As the Founder and CEO of Water 4 Mercy, Nermine is responsible for the overall strategy and vision of our organization. She collaborates with a team of experts in water, agriculture, and education to provide innovative solutions for communities in need of clean water, agricultural technologies, and modernized educational solutions. She is also responsible for fundraising, outreach, and partnerships with organizations and individuals who share Water 4 Mercy’s mission.

Never give up on your dreams and always trust in God’s plan for your life.

– Nermine Khouzam Rubin

Her team has dedication to the mission of providing sustainable solutions to end poverty and improve the lives of people in remote African villages. With the socio-economic empowerment of African remote villages, Water 4 Mercy’s team of contractors utilize technological advancement to propel sustainable farming and facilitate educational training. Water 4 Mercy is committed to maintaining a positive work environment that fosters growth, creativity, and respect. During the current challenging times, they implemented virtual meetings and training sessions to ensure the safety of our employees while maintaining communication and collaboration. Her team is motivated by the impact of their work on the lives of others and the fulfilment of being part of a meaningful mission.

Moving towards Future

As the CEO of Water 4 Mercy, Nermine has set several key milestones for the company in 2025. Her main focus is to expand their reach in Africa and bring clean water, agriculture technologies, and modernized educational solutions to more areas throughout Africa. She has plans to implement a new AITeC, the Agricultural Innovation and Technology Center in Morocco as Agricultural Diplomacy in conjunction with the Abraham Accords. Additionally, Water 4 Mercy is working to increase their partnerships with corporations and foundations to increase their impact and secure sustainable funding, including Impact investments.

I see all of our water and agriculture projects being self-sustaining, villages flourishing with drip irrigation, and technical schools training up the brightest and best talent all across the continent.

– Nermine Khouzam Rubin

She believes that compassion, boldness, and resourcefulness are the three strongholds of her life with which she can overcome any obstacle. Having a passion for upholding human dignity for each and every person of God keeps her pumped. She makes time for herself to keep her mind and soul energized for the upcoming challenges.

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